About Neotech

Over the past three decades, Neotech has emerged as an essential brand in NICUs around the world. We’ve also widened our footprint to include medical devices for the PICU, children’s oncology, and home health markets. Our groundbreaking products benefit both patients and clinicians as we focus on Making a Difference… In the NICU, PICU and Beyond.

Mission Statement

Certified B Corporation®

Made in America

High-Quality Products - ISO

Baby-Friendly Care

Inventor-Friendly Product Development

Customer Satisfaction

30 Day Trial Program

Team Neotech

Describe your ideal workplace and you’ll likely be describing Neotech, where we value and support a good work-life balance.

Private Label/OEM

Neotech’s Private Label program allows you to fast track new company branded products to your customer base while avoiding lengthy and expensive development costs


Neotech Products works with several distributors across the country and around the world to offer our extensive product line.


Neotech Products works directly with DME companies to help provide our products for home health care.

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