Trach Collar: Reduce Skin Breakdown

EZCare trach collar featuring NeoFoam

A Softer, More Comfortable Tracheostomy Collar

Concerned parents approached Neotech to design a new trach tie (tracheostomy tube holder).

One Texas couple understood, firsthand, the need to improve the trach collar. The trach ties provided to their son had caused constant skin breakdown. Fortunately, their son was decannulated at age four. He no longer needed the device.

Still, his parents knew there was a need for a better option. They wanted to create a new tracheostomy tube holder in order to spare others from suffering the skin irritations that had plagued their child. The couple teamed up with Neotech in hopes of creating the finest product available.

They originally wanted a plastic strap. Their experience with materials had been a nightmare.

Craig McCrary, President, said “We felt there was a better solution than plastic. So we explored various material.”

As a result, we landed on neoprene which is the material used to make wetsuits. EZCare™ was launched in 2007. The product was successful, but costly due to the material.

New & Improved

A few years later, Judy McCrary, Vice President, felt that there was still a need for a better trach collar. It became her mission to create “the best” trach tie on the market. That’s when we discovered NeoFoam®. A revolutionary new material at the time. It is so incredibly soft that you have to feel it to believe it. It wicks moisture and stays in place.

EZCare tracheostomy tube holder (trach ties, trach collars)

EZCare™ Softouch, made with ultra-soft NeoFoam, was launched in March 2010.

Tracheostomy patients praise EZCare as a welcome addition to their medical care.

“Your [EZCare] trach collar is far superior to the trach ties I was previously provided.” Tina S.

EZCare is available in multiple color options with fitted and adjustable sizes. It’s suitable for babies, children, and even adults. It is a more comfortable alternative to chains or other skin-irritating materials.

Neotech is proud to collaborate with parents and clinicians. Together, we identify the unique medical needs of patients to deliver superior products like the EZ-Care Softouch Tracheostomy Tube Holder.

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EZCare trach collar featuring NeoFoam
EZCare tracheostomy tube holder (trach ties, trach collars)
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